Monday, April 29, 2013

Me A-Z....A re-acquaintance with our family blog!

Me A-Z Wow! I started our Horton family blog back in 2010 and to say I've been negligent is a huge understatement. Here's an attempt to rekindle our family blog and update it for the first time since Ellie Claire was born 15 months ago! Time has a way of spinning past me so fast and I'm finding that I'm so busy in the day to day that it is difficult to remember the things I should be keeping track of. I keep telling myself that spending time with my family is more important than blogging about milestones or posting them to facebook, but at some point in time I know I'm going to look back and wish I had. Hence the reason for this post. So in order to jump start myself again I decided to do a post. I saw someone else use the "Me A-Z" and thought it would be kind of fun and a easy way to get blogging again.

 Age - In my mind I feel about 30 (not that there's anything wrong with being 30). But I'm a young 24! Teaching/motherhood has definitely aged me, with a few gray hairs to prove it ;)

 Bed Size - King

 Chore You Hate - Folding clothes-doing the laundry is fine but I prefer not to fold and put them away.

 Dogs - I prefer cats. We've been petless for over a year now since Walter escaped while James & I were at a Dave Barnes concert. We still talk about him often & wish Ellie Claire had gotten to spend more time with him! (Something tells me they wouldn't have gotten along.)

 Essential Start To My Day - My Tervis tumbler full of cold water, a "hey mama" from Ellie Claire, and a kiss from James

 Favorite Color - Coral

 Gold or Silver - Both

 House or Apartment - House

 Instruments Played - I always wanted to play the piano, but never learned. Bummer.

 Junk food - Chips & Salsa, pizza, ice cream....

 Kids - Ellie Claire, 15 months

 Live - Georgia

 Married - Happily! 3 years in June (Wow!)

 Never Again - Gain (ahem) lbs while pregnant

 Other Fun Fact - I like to get ready in the dark. Seriously. Especially while brushing my teeth & straightening my hair. Weird, I know.

 Pet Peeve - Improper grammar, bad customer service

 Quote - Saw this last night on Pinterest & loved it: "When You called me to be a mama, You didn't ask for perfection. But that with every breath, I'd point them to You". Matthew 6:33

 Righty or Lefty - Righty & Proud!

 Siblings - No biological siblings-but lots of cousins & friends I love dearly!

 Time You Wake Up - Sadly, 6 am Monday-Friday & on weekends, whenever EC decides :)

 University Attended - Gainesville State (LOVED it, believe it or not!) & Piedmont, Walden for my Master's Degree

 Veggies You Dislike - Mushrooms, Olives

 What Makes You Run Late - Sleeping in, an outfit that just "isn't right", EC needing a diaper change.

X-Rays - Are $100 a pop. Is this the best X they could come up with?

 Yum Food - Chocolate chip cookies

 Zoo Animal Favorite - If I had to pick one it would probably be lions or giraffes. However, I really am not a huge "zoo" fan. I always have felt sorry for the animals. I feel the same way about circuses. It's hard for me to enjoy those places. (Although I'm still very bitter about losing EC's first zoo pics)

1 comment:

  1. Very nice post. I enjoyed reading it. So glad we get to work together. Stop by and check out my blog if you get a chance. I would love your opinion.
