Monday, April 29, 2013

Ellie Claire is 15 months old!

Wow! Where has the time gone? It seems like we blinked and here you are no longer a baby but a toddler becoming the sweetest little girl we've ever met. Here are some things you are up to right now:
 - Size 3 diapers and sleeping all night from around 8 until whenever we get you up around 6:45
- Size 18 month clothes
- At your last Dr. appointment a few weeks ago (for RSV) you weighed 22 lbs.
- Still only two bottom teeth & 1 on top! Lots of bumpy gums :)
- Still cruising around all the furniture but will now let go and balance for a few seconds. You love to practically RUN while holding our hands/fingers but still refuse to let go. We are totally okay with that.
-You love dogs and balls. You repeat those words about 50 times per day.
-Your vocabulary is exploding by the day it seems.
- You enjoy sitting in a pink chair that your Granny got you and drinking out of your sippy cup (you remind us of Uncle Si on Duck Dynasty). You will only sit for a few minutes until you have to be up moving again. Nothing gets past you.

Please note the adorable foot rotations :-).

 - You love doing anything outside. You point and say "rock-a rock-a" and love to play with the whind chimes while sitting in the porch swing.

- You will "mooooo" when we ask what a cow says. Sometimes you get confused a little and call them "boos". You accentuate the head motion with this and it is so adorable.
- You love to blow kisses and have recently begun giving real lip kisses.
 - You hold your toy phone (or beg for mommy's iphone) to your ear and say "hello?" Already practicing your phone skills! :)
- Trying to get you dressed or change your diaper is a chore! You are soooo squirmy and strong and now takes three times as long as it used to!
-Thank you for always reminding us to put in your bow each morning. You seriously say "bow" and pat your head until we put it on you, you little Diva!
- You take 1 decent nap a day at daycare in the afternoon and usually that is all. Your bedtime in the past month has become very rigid. If we happen to still be out and about at your bedtime, your temper breaks loose!
- You love food! Anything we put in front of you, you like. Even if you have just eaten a full meal, you must have some of whatever is on mommy or daddy's plate. Your favorite foods are mandarin oranges, bananas, and sweet potatoes. And you can down those fruit and veggie food pouches in about a minute flat. This week I started making you green smoothies and you are obsessed. You suck those down like they are ice cream! You have been tricked by all those hidden vitamins!

-You have impeccable manners. The way you say "thank yooouuuuuu" is hysterical.

- Thankfully you usually don't even whimper when we drop you off at daycare. You are adjusted well to daycare life and in good hands. We couldn't ask for a better lady to "keep" you! It still makes mommy so sad to leave you every day, so usually daddy takes you to spare me.
 - You are constantly on the move. You aren't still or engaged in any one activity for more than 5 minutes. You love to plunder through everything you own like you are taking "inventory" of it. This reminds me of your Great-Grandma Purcell! Y'all would have been two peas in a pod!
-You are losing the baby face/hair and will need a haircut very soon. I also think you are beginning to look more like Granny than your Daddy now.

 Ellie Claire, you are such a JOY! You are so spunky, loving, and just so happy all the time! You smile at everyone and we cannot help but smile back. You can light up a room with your "Hey!" We thank God for you every day!

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