“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." -Helen Keller
Dana's Bucket List
1.) Go on a Long Term Mission Trip
2.) Be Completely Debt Free
3.) Drive on the Road to Hana (Maui)

4.) Own My Own Monogramming Business or Bakery
5.) Have a really nice sewing machine
6.) Go to Japan
7.) Build Our Own House (that includes a giant bathroom & closet...I don't really care about anything else)
8.) Wear a size 6
9.) Visit Georgetown Cupcakes in D.C./Georgetown
10.) Be able to give away/tithe more than we live off of (PLEASE Read Crazy Love...so inspirational)
The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate; to have it make some difference that you have lived, and lived well." Ralph Waldo Emerson
11.) Bless a Stranger
12.) Run a 5K
13.) Direct a Wedding
14.) Donate to Locks of Love
15.) Go On A Carriage Ride With James
16.) Read through the ENTIRE Bible (without cheating through the OT lineage)
17.) Work at the Soup Kitchen on Thanksgiving/Christmas with my family
18.) Have a picture taken with Chris Tomlin (meet someone "famous" that I actually like)
19.) Catch a Foul Ball at a Turner Field
20.) Go on a Roadtrip Across America
21.) Ride in a Limo
22.) Go back to NYC (and actually get to see a Broadway Show)
23.) Be Voted Teacher of the Year
24.) Overcome My Fear Of Flying
25.) Take My Parents to the Grand Canyon or cruise with them to Alaska
26.) Go to Africa
27.) Adopt a child from Haiti/Africa (please, nobody go crazy over that...it's a bucket list, okay :-)
AHHH!!! Love this little girl!!! (& her sister)
28.) Have 1 carat diamond earrings (there's a little materialism coming out in me)
29.) Visit Charleston & Savannah
30.) Be completely "caught up" on scrap-booking
31. ) Go on a Gondola Ride Through Venice
32.) Tour the Ancient Roman Ruins
33.) Visit Jerusalem
34.) Go to Australia
35.) Zipline (legitimately through some rain forest or over the ocean, not through a cow pasture)
36.) Go to Sandals for our anniversary 6.26
37.) Have a kid in the FFA
38.) Have a kid who is an "athletic superstar" (You can guess whose idea this is)
39.) Meet Jack Johnson (came really close on our honeymoon!)
40.) Do the Daniel fast
41.) Visit the Louvre
42.) Go Dancing with James (somewhere besides a wedding)
43.) Go to the UNICEF Snowflake Ball in NYC
44.) Swim with Dolphins
45.) Spend the night at the Georgia Aquarium
46.) Renew our vows
47.) Celebrate my parent's 50th wedding anniversary
48.) Celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary
49.) Raise a happy and healthy child (no, not any time soon, people! I've got too much to
50.) Spend two weeks straight at a beach
“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children...to leave the world a better place...to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
51.) See a Cirque de Solei show
52.) Go to the Kentucky Derby & Wear One of Those Fancy-Smancy Hats
53.) Sing a duet with James @ Church & Rock It for Jesus!!!!
54.) Go to the World Series (to cheer on the BRAVES, of course!)
55.) Ice-skate at Rockefellar Center @ Christmastime
56.) Go with my mama on a mission trip (hint, hint)
57.) Do one of those photo-a-day for a year things
58.) Complete grad school and get a pay raise
59.) Have a grown student come back to me and tell me what a difference I made in his/her life
60.) Save $1000 and spend it all on a shopping spree for myself (without feeling really guilty like I always do when I shop)
61.) Save $1000 and spend it all on OTHER PEOPLE
62.) Live somewhere besides Toccoa
63.) Become fluent in another language....be it Kreyole, Spanish, Japanese, whatever....
64.) Own several pair of TOMS & do "One Day Without Shoes" ( couldn't do it this year or last b/c of being in school that day)
65.) Buy James a new guitar as a complete SUPRISE!
66.) Have my own signature recipe for something
67.) Read David Platt's new book "Radical Together"
68.) Finally get Hercules, the chocolate lab puppy with gorgeous blue eyes
69.) Do something radical for Jesus
70.) Takes James to the Georgia National Fair in Perry
71.) Pay for the meal of the person behind me in the drive-thru
72.) Make 500 dresses for Little Dresses for Africa/Haiti
73.) Go without Diet Coke (or any carbonated beverage) for an entire week
74.) Make a really cute cake
75.) Go a week without a computer or cell phone
76.) Complete a Beth Moore Bible study
77.) Memorize a Bible verse a month, at least
78.) Attend Passion 2012
79.) Try 5 New Foods (0/5)
80.) Drink only water for an entire week
81.) Go to Secret Church
82.) Purchase a cute little stamp with our monogram and address on it
Kind of like this
83.) Find someone from my past and apologize
85.) Wash someone's feet (I soooo wish we had done this at our wedding!)
86.) Become an expert on one book of the Bible
87.) Be completely organized in my tools & resources for school
88.) Experience a miracle
89.) Fast for an extended period of time
91.) Cut my hair and like it
92.) Find a really good hair stylist & stay "faithful"
93.) Win something on 104.7 THE FISH
94.) Convince James that wrestling is fake
95.) Help James decorate his own classroom
96.) Make a Daily Quiet Time a Top Priority
97.) Win Free Chick-Fil-A for a Year (again!)
98.) See lost family/friends come to know Jesus (HE knows who they are!)99.) Adopt a World Vision Child

100.) Blog my way through this list!
100.) Blog my way through this list!
“Life is too short to let it pass you by. We only have one shot at this and then it's gone.”
Alaska or Grand Canyon?
2 Timothy 4:7-8 (NIV)
7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8 Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day--and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.
7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8 Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day--and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.
"If you're bored with life - or you don't get up every morning with a burning desire to do things - you don't have enoug
Basically, I want to make Jesus proud with the life He's so blessed me with!
ReplyDeleteOh! I forgot one.... #101. Ride an elephant.
ReplyDeleteOh oh oh, I have two World Vision babies and my kiddos write to them and they write back (well one of them does) lol. I love the list!!!