I'm about 8 days late writing your monthly letter because I am so busy chasing you around and trying so hard to soak up every precious moment with you! This has probably been my favorite month with you thus far, as your personality is really shining through and I feel like we can really communicate well. It is such a good feeling to know that you understand exactly what I am saying and most often, I can read your mind. As parents, your dad and I finally feel like we "get parenting" enough to survive (although we aren't claiming to be anywhere near perfect)! You are growing and changing from a baby to beautiful little girl before our very eyes. You are 29 inches tall, about 25 pounds, and still in a size 3 shoe. Your little feet are so tiny and that is why we think it took you so long to muster up the confidence to finally walk independently. You started really walking on Friday, May 24 which was our last day of school and your last full week at daycare for the summer. You didn't want to leave that day because you were so excited about your accomplishment! Of course, Miss N. and everyone else were praising you and keeping you the spotlight of their day so you LOVED all that attention. You are saying SO MANY words now. Everyone always compliments you on your vocabulary and how clearly you speak. Maybe one day you will be a news broadcaster or something! You also love to sing. Whether in the church nursery, strolling through the neighborhood, or riding in your carseat, you love to hum little songs to yourself. You won't dare let us catch you on video though! You are very reflective and observant. If there is a speck of anything anywhere, you will find it and ask us about it. You are usually good not to put it into your mouth. Your favorite activities include snuggling and reading with mama, wrestling with daddy, visiting the boos and Maggie at Granny and Poppy's house, being in church nursery, eating gravy biscuits on Sunday mornings before church, swinging outside on the porch (AKA "rock-rock huh?"), coloring, singing, dancing, giving sugar, waving and saying hello to all people. You don't meet a stranger, girl!
You took this picture! |
So happy after your gravy biscuit! Precious hands :) |
You love babies except when mommy holds them. You MUST have at least one book read to you nightly and some rocking time with mommy in the glider. Whenever I finish our bedtime prayers, you know exactly when to whisper "Amen" in the sweetest voice that God ever created. Your favorite foods are anything we are eating, fruit, kale smoothies, peas, and Bopa-juice (sweet tea). That's seriously what you call it and although I was originally against you having it, Bopa makes it special just for you-decaf with only a little sugar.
You are super schedule oriented and we didn't even try, it just happened. You must have a morning nap (11:30-1:30) and usually a short afternoon nap (3:30-4:30) and you are in bed by 9. Our evenings are always much more enjoyable when you have had that second nap. You are just like your
My two most favorite times of day are when you wake up and when you go to sleep. There's something about seeing you all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and shouting "I want my BOW!!!!" that makes every day a little bit sweeter. Of course, there is nothing like our special bedtime ritual when you smell super good after your bath and speak to us in a whisper.
I'm going to make a list of your favorite sayings just in case we want to look back sometime and see what your common phrases were.
Mama, Dada, Nana, Bopa (Poppy), NahNah, Baby, Shhhh! (finger over lip), Play Ball Boys, Dog, Where's The ___?, I want more juice, I can walk!!, Dada work, Ben, church, outside, rocka-rock, bird, bee, boo (cow), meow, cat, milk, eat, Shew-wee (every time we change your diaper), night-night, I want ____, puff, cookie, hot, bow, shirt, shoes, head, ear, nose, teeth, water, rain, bite-bite, slide, sit, swing, bye bye, Saige, toot, beep-beep, Jesus, Amen, Awwww......
I've really been thinking and praying lately about the kind of young lady I pray for you to become and what God laid on my heart was "remind her often that she is a Daughter of the King and that she must act like it-in her thoughts, in her words, and most importantly, her actions-and this will draw her near to Me". Then I found these and thought I should definitely include them in the blog post:
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Original Source unknown |
Original Source unknown